Source code for qubolite.bounds

import numpy as np

from ._misc   import get_random_state
from .qubo    import qubo
from .solving import random_search, local_descent

[docs]def lb_roof_dual(Q: qubo): """Compute the Roof Dual bound, as described in `[1] <>`__. To this end, the QUBO instance is converted to a corresponding flow network, whose maximum flow value yields the roof dual lower bound. Args: Q (qubo): QUBO instance. Raises: ImportError: Raised if the ``igraph`` package is missing. This package is required for this method. Returns: float: A lower bound on the minimal energy value. """ try: from igraph import Graph except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "igraph needs to be installed prior to running qubolite.lb_roof_dual(). You can " "install igraph with:\n'pip install igraph'" ) from e def to_flow_graph(P): n = P.shape[1] G = Graph(directed=True) vertices = np.arange(n + 1) negated_vertices = np.arange(n + 1, 2 * n + 2) # all vertices for flow graph all_vertices = np.concatenate([vertices, negated_vertices]) G.add_vertices(all_vertices) # arrays of vertices containing node x0 n0 = np.kron(vertices[1:][:, np.newaxis], np.ones(n, dtype=int)) np.fill_diagonal(n0, np.zeros(n)) nn0 = np.kron(negated_vertices[1:][:, np.newaxis], np.ones(n, dtype=int)) np.fill_diagonal(nn0, (n + 1) * np.ones(n)) # arrays of vertices not containing node x0 n1 = np.kron(np.ones(n, dtype=int)[:, np.newaxis], vertices[1:]) nn1 = np.kron(np.ones(n, dtype=int)[:, np.newaxis], negated_vertices[1:]) n0_nn1 = np.stack((n0, nn1), axis=-1) # edges from ni to !nj n1_nn0 = np.stack((n1, nn0), axis=-1) # edges from nj to !ni n0_n1 = np.stack((n0, n1), axis=-1) # edges from ni to nj nn1_nn0 = np.stack((nn1, nn0), axis=-1) # edges from !nj to !ni pos_indices = np.invert(np.isclose(P[0], 0)) neg_indices = np.invert(np.isclose(P[1], 0)) # set capacities to half of posiform parameters capacities = 0.5 * np.concatenate([P[0][pos_indices], P[0][pos_indices], P[1][neg_indices], P[1][neg_indices]]) edges = np.concatenate([n0_nn1[pos_indices], n1_nn0[pos_indices], n0_n1[neg_indices], nn1_nn0[neg_indices]]) G.add_edges(edges) return G, capacities P, const = Q.to_posiform() G, capacities = to_flow_graph(P) v = G.maxflow_value(0, Q.n + 1, capacity=list(capacities)) return const + v
[docs]def lb_negative_parameters(Q: qubo): """Compute a simple lower bound on the minimal energy by summing up all negative parameters. As all QUBO energy values are sums of parameter subsets, the smallest subset sum is a lower bound for the minimal energy. This bound is very fast, but very weak, especially for large QUBO sizes. Args: Q (qubo): QUBO instance. Returns: float: A lower bound on the minimal energy value. """ return np.minimum(Q.m, 0).sum()
# upper bounds ------------------------
[docs]def ub_sample(Q: qubo, samples=10_000, random_state=None): """Compute an upper bound on the minimal energy by sampling and taking the minimal encountered value. Args: Q (qubo): QUBO instance. samples (int, optional): Number of samples. Defaults to 10_000. random_state (optional): A numerical or lexical seed, or a NumPy random generator. Defaults to None. Returns: float: An upper bound on the minimal energy value. """ _, v = random_search(Q, steps=samples, random_state=random_state) return v
[docs]def ub_local_descent(Q: qubo, restarts=10, random_state=None): """Compute an upper bound on the minimal energy by repeatedly performing a local optimization heuristic and returning the lowest energy value encountered. Args: Q (qubo): QUBO instance. restarts (int, optional): Number of local searches with random initial bit vectors. Defaults to 10. random_state (optional): A numerical or lexical seed, or a NumPy random generator. Defaults to None. Returns: float: An upper bound on the minimal energy value. """ npr = get_random_state(random_state) min_val = float('inf') for _ in range(restarts): _, v = local_descent(Q, random_state=npr) min_val = min(min_val, v) return min_val