Source code for qubolite.embedding

from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_kernels, pairwise_distances
from sklearn.preprocessing import KernelCenterer

from ._misc import get_random_state
from .qubo import qubo

[docs]class qubo_embedding:
[docs] def map_solution(self, x): return NotImplemented
@property def qubo(self): return NotImplemented @property def data(self): return NotImplemented
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, n: int, random_state=None): return NotImplemented
[docs]class Kernel2MeansClustering(qubo_embedding): """Binary clustering based on kernel matrices. Args: data (numpy.ndarray): Data array of shape ``(n, m)``. The QUBO instance will have size ``n`` (or ``n-1``, if ``unambiguous=True``). kernel (str, optional): Kernel function. Defaults to ``'linear'``. Can be any of `those <>`__. centered (bool, optional): If ``True``, center the Kernel matrix. Defaults to ``True``. unambiguous (bool, optional): If ``True``, assign the last data point to cluster 0 and exclude it from the optimization. Otherwise, the resulting QUBO instance would have two symmetrical optimal cluster assignments. Defaults to False. **kernel_params: Additional keyword arguments for the Kernel function, passed to ``sklearn.metrics.pairwise_kernels``. """ def __init__(self, data, kernel='linear', centered=True, unambiguous=False, **kernel_params): # for different kernels: self.__data = data self.__kernel = kernel self.__kernel_params = kernel_params self.__centered = centered self.__unambiguous = unambiguous self.__Q = self.__from_data() @property def qubo(self): return self.__Q @property def data(self): return dict(points=self.__data) def __from_data(self): # calculate kernel matrix K = pairwise_kernels(X=self.__data, metric=self.__kernel, **self.__kernel_params) # center kernel matrix if self.__centered: K = KernelCenterer().fit_transform(K) q = -K np.fill_diagonal(q, K.sum(1) - K.diagonal()) # fix z_n=0 for cluster assignment if self.__unambiguous: n = K.shape[0] q = q[:n-1, :n-1] return qubo(q)
[docs] def map_solution(self, x): # return cluster assignments (-1, +1) return 2 * x - 1
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, n: int, dim=2, dist=2.0, random_state=None, kernel=None, centered=True, unambiguous=True, **kernel_params): if kernel is None: kernel = 'linear' kernel_params = {} npr = get_random_state(random_state) data = npr.normal(size=(n, dim)) mask = npr.permutation(n) < n // 2 data[mask, :] += dist / np.sqrt(dim) data -= data.mean(0) return data, cls(data, kernel=kernel, centered=centered, unambiguous=unambiguous, **kernel_params)
[docs]class KMedoids(qubo_embedding): """ K-medoids vector quantization problem: Given a dataset, find k representatives. For the derivation see: Christian Bauckhage et al., "A QUBO Formulation of the k-Medoids Problem.”, LWDA, 2019. Args: data_set (numpy.ndarray): Data points. distance_matrix (numpy.ndarray, optional): Pairwise distances between data points. Defaults to ``Welsh``-distance. k (int, optional): Number of representative points. Defaults to 2. alpha: (float, optional): Parameter controlling far apartness of k representatives. Defaults to 1 / k. beta: (float, optional): Parameter controlling far centrality of k representatives. Defaults to 1 / n. gamma: (float, optional): Parameter controlling the enforcement of exactly k representatives. Defaults to 2. """ def __init__(self, data_set=None, distance_matrix=None, k=2, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=2): if data_set is None and distance_matrix is None: raise Exception('data_set or distance_matrix have to be given!') elif distance_matrix is None: distance_matrix = 1 - np.exp(- 0.5 * pairwise_distances(X=data_set, metric='sqeuclidean')) self.__data_set = data_set # map distance matrix to [0, 1] self.__distance_matrix = distance_matrix / distance_matrix.max() self.__n = self.__distance_matrix.shape[0] self.__k = k if alpha is None: alpha = 0.5 / self.__k self.__alpha = alpha if beta is None: beta = 1.0 / self.__n self.__beta = beta self.__gamma = gamma self.__Q = self.__from_data() @property def qubo(self): return self.__Q @property def data(self): return dict(points=self.__data_set, distance_matrix=self.__distance_matrix) def __from_data(self): # Identification of far apart data points far_apart_matrix = - self.__alpha * self.__distance_matrix # Identification of central data points ones_vector = np.ones(self.__n) central_vector = self.__beta * self.__distance_matrix @ ones_vector # Ensuring k representatives ensuring_matrix = self.__gamma * np.ones((self.__n, self.__n)) ensuring_vector = - 2 * self.__gamma * self.__k * ones_vector np.fill_diagonal(ensuring_matrix, np.diag(ensuring_matrix) + ensuring_vector) # Putting different objectives together matrix = far_apart_matrix + ensuring_matrix np.fill_diagonal(matrix, np.diag(matrix) + central_vector) return qubo(matrix)
[docs]class SubsetSum(qubo_embedding): """Subset Sum problem: Given a list of values, find a subset that adds up to a given target value. Args: values (numpy.ndarray | list): Values of which to find a subset. The resulting QUBO instance will have size ``len(values)``. target (int | float): Target value which the subset must add up to. """ def __init__(self, values, target): self.__values = np.asarray(values) self.__target = target self.__Q = self.__from_data(values, target) @property def qubo(self): return self.__Q @property def data(self): return dict( values=self.__values, target=self.__target) def __from_data(self, values, target): q = np.outer(values, values) q[np.diag_indices_from(q)] -= 2 * target * values q = np.triu(q + np.tril(q, -1).T) return qubo(q)
[docs] def map_solution(self, x): return self.__values[x.astype(bool)]
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, n: int, low=-100, high=100, summands=None, random_state=None): npr = get_random_state(random_state) values = np.zeros(n) while np.any(np.isclose(values, 0)): values = npr.uniform(low, high, size=n).round(2) k = round(npr.triangular(0.1*n, 0.5*n, 0.9*n)) if summands is None else summands subset = npr.permutation(n) < k target = values[subset].sum() return cls(values, target)
[docs]class Max2Sat(qubo_embedding): """Maximum Satisfyability problem with clauses of size 2. The problem is to find a variable assignment that maximizes the number of true clauses. Args: clauses (list): A list of tuples containing literals, representing a logical formula in CNF. Each tuple must have exactly two elements. The elements must be integers, representing the variable indices **counting from 1**. Negative literals have a negative sign. For instance, the formula :math:`(x_1\\vee \\overline{x_2})\\wedge(\\overline{x_1}\\vee x_3)` becomes ``[(1,-2), (-1,3)]``. penalty (float, optional): Penalty value for unsatisfied clauses. Must be positive. Defaults to ``1.0``. """ def __init__(self, clauses, penalty=1.0): assert all(len(c) == 2 for c in clauses), 'All clauses must consist of exactly 2 variables' assert all(0 not in c for c in clauses), '"0" cannot be a variable, use indices >= 1' self.__clauses = clauses ix_set = set() ix_set.update(*self.__clauses) self.__indices = [i for i in sorted(ix_set) if i > 0] assert penalty > 0.0, 'Penalty must be positive > 0' self.__penalty = penalty
[docs] def map_solution(self, x): return {i: x[self.__indices.find(i)] == 1 for i in self.__indices}
@property def qubo(self): n = max(max(c) for c in self.__clauses) m = np.zeros((n, n)) ix_map = {i: qi for qi, i in enumerate(self.__indices)} for xi, xj in map(partial(sorted, key=abs), self.__clauses): i = ix_map(abs(xi)) j = ix_map(abs(xj)) if xi > 0: if xj > 0: m[i, i] += self.__penalty m[j, j] += self.__penalty m[i, j] -= self.__penalty else: m[j, j] += self.__penalty m[i, j] -= self.__penalty else: if xj > 0: m[i, i] += self.__penalty m[i, j] -= self.__penalty else: m[i, j] += self.__penalty return qubo(m) @property def data(self): return self.__clauses
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, n: int, clauses=None, random_state=None): npr = get_random_state(random_state) if clauses is None: clauses = int(1.5 * n) # TODO return NotImplemented
[docs]class KernelSVM(qubo_embedding): """Kernel Support Vector Machine learning: Given labeled numerical data, and a kernel, determines the support vectors, which is a subset of the data that lie on the margin of a separating hyperplane in the feature space determined by the kernel. Note that this method makes some simplifying assumptions detailed in `this paper <>`__. Args: X (numpy.ndarray): Input data (row-wise) of shape ``(N, d)``. y (numpy.ndarray): Binary labels (-1 or 1) of shape ``(N,)`` C (float, optional): Hyperparameter controlling the penalization of misclassified data points. Defaults to 1. kernel (str, optional): Kernel function. Defaults to ``'linear'``. Can be any of `those <>`__. **kernel_params: Additional keyword arguments for the Kernel function, passed to ``sklearn.metrics.pairwise_kernels``. """ def __init__(self, X, y, C=1.0, kernel='linear', **kernel_params): self.__X = X self.__y = y self.__C = C self.__kernel = kernel self.__kernel_params = kernel_params @property def data(self): return dict(X=self.__X, y=self.__y) @property def qubo(self): K = pairwise_kernels( X=self.__X, metric=self.__kernel, **self.__kernel_params) m = 0.5*(self.__C**2)*K*np.outer(self.__y, self.__y) m += np.tril(m, -1).T m -= self.__C*np.eye(K.shape[0]) return qubo(np.triu(m))
[docs] def map_solution(self, x): return np.where(x)[0]