Source code for qubolite.solving

from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

from ._misc    import get_random_state, warn_size
from .bitvec   import flip_index
from .qubo     import qubo
from .sampling import BinarySample

from _c_utils import brute_force as _brute_force_c
from _c_utils import anneal      as _anneal_c

solution_t = namedtuple('qubo_solution', ['x', 'energy'])

[docs]def brute_force(Q: qubo, max_threads=256): """Solve QUBO instance exactly by brute force. Note that this method is infeasible for instances with a size beyond around 30. Args: Q (qubo): QUBO instance to solve. max_threads (int): Upper limit for the number of threads. Defaults to 256. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the QUBO size is too large to be brute-forced on the present system. Returns: A tuple containing the minimizing vector (numpy.ndarray) and the minimal energy (float). """ warn_size(Q.n, limit=30) try: x, v, _ = _brute_force_c(Q.m, max_threads) except TypeError: raise ValueError(f'n is too large to brute-force on this system') return solution_t(x, v)
[docs]def simulated_annealing(Q: qubo, schedule='2+', halftime=0.25, steps=100_000, init_temp=None, n_parallel=10, random_state=None): """Performs simulated annealing to approximate the minimizing vector and minimal energy of a given QUBO instance. Args: Q (qubo): QUBO instance. schedule (str, optional): The annealing schedule to employ. Possible values are: ``2+`` (quadratic additive), ``2*`` (quadratic multiplicative), ``e+`` (exponential additive) and ``e*`` (exponential multiplicative). See `here <>`__ for further infos. Defaults to '2+'. halftime (float, optional): For multiplicative schedules only: The percentage of steps after which the temperature is halved. Defaults to 0.25. steps (int, optional): Number of annealing steps to perform. Defaults to 100_000. init_temp (float, optional): Initial temperature. Defaults to None, which estimates an initial temperature. n_parallel (int, optional): Number of random initial solutions to anneal simultaneously. Defaults to 10. random_state (optional): A numerical or lexical seed, or a NumPy random generator. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the specificed schedule is unknown. Returns: A tuple ``(x, y)`` containing the solution bit vectors and their respective energies. The shape of ``x`` is ``(n_parallel, n)``, where ``n`` is the QUBO size; the shape of ``y`` is ``(n_parallel,)``. Bit vector ``x[i]`` has energy ``y[i]`` for each ``i``. """ npr = get_random_state(random_state) if init_temp is None: # estimate initial temperature EΔy, k = 0, 0 for _ in range(1000): x = npr.random(Q.n) < 0.5 Δy = Q.dx(x) ix, = np.where(Δy > 0) EΔy += Δy[ix].sum() k += ix.size EΔy /= k initial_acc_prob = 0.99 init_temp = -EΔy / np.log(initial_acc_prob) print(f'Init. temp. automatically set to {init_temp:.4f}') # setup cooling schedule if schedule == 'e+': temps = init_temp/(1+np.exp(2*np.log(init_temp)*(np.linspace(0, 1, steps+1)-0.5))) elif schedule == '2+': temps = init_temp*(1-np.linspace(0, 1, steps+1))**2 elif schedule == 'e*': temps = init_temp*(0.5**(1/halftime))**np.arange(0, 1, steps+1) elif schedule == '2*': temps = init_temp/(1+(1/(halftime**2))*np.linspace(0, 1, steps+1)**2) else: raise ValueError('Unknown schedule; must be one of {e*, 2*, e+, 2+}.') x = (npr.random((n_parallel, Q.n)) < 0.5).astype(np.float64) y = Q(x) for temp in temps: z = npr.random((n_parallel, Q.n)) < (1 / Q.n) x_ = (x + z) % 2 Δy = Q(x_) - y p = np.minimum(np.exp(-Δy / temp), 1) a = npr.random(n_parallel) < p x = x + (x_ - x) * a[:, None] y = y + Δy * a srt = np.argsort(y) return x[srt, :], y[srt]
[docs]def local_descent(Q: qubo, x=None, random_state=None): """Starting from a given bit vector, find improvements in the 1-neighborhood and follow them until a local optimum is found. If no initial vector is specified, a random vector is sampled. At each step, the method greedily flips the bit that yields the greatest energy improvement. Args: Q (qubo): QUBO instance. x (numpy.ndarray, optional): Initial bit vector. Defaults to None. random_state (optional): A numerical or lexical seed, or a NumPy random generator. Defaults to None. Returns: A tuple containing the bit vector (numpy.ndarray) with lowest energy found, and its energy (float). """ if x is None: rng = get_random_state(random_state) x_ = rng.random(Q.n) < 0.5 else: x_ = x.copy() while True: Δx = Q.dx(x_) am = np.argmin(Δx) if Δx[am] >= 0: break x_[am] = 1 - x_[am] return solution_t(x_, Q(x_))
[docs]def local2_descent(Q: qubo, x=None, random_state=None): """Starting from a given bit vector, find improvements in the 2-neighborhood and follow them until a local optimum is found. If no initial vector is specified, a random vector is sampled. At each step, the method greedily flips up to two bits that yield the greatest energy improvement. Args: Q (qubo): QUBO instance. x (numpy.ndarray, optional): Initial bit vector. Defaults to None. random_state (optional): A numerical or lexical seed, or a NumPy random generator. Defaults to None. Returns: A tuple containing the bit vector (numpy.ndarray) with lowest energy found, and its energy (float). """ if x is None: rng = get_random_state(random_state) x_ = rng.random(Q.n) < 0.5 else: x_ = x.copy() Δx = Q.dx2(x_) # (n, n) matrix i, j = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(Δx), Δx.shape) while True: Δx = Q.dx2(x_) i, j = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(Δx), Δx.shape) if Δx[i, j] >= 0: break flip_index(x_, [i, j], in_place=True) return solution_t(x_, Q(x_))
[docs]def anneal(Q: qubo, samples=1, iters = 100, max_threads=256, return_raw=False, random_state=None): """Perform Gibbs sampling with magic annealing schedule. Args: Q (qubo): QUBO instance. samples (int, optional): Sample size. Defaults to 1. iters (int, optional): Number of iterations. Defaults to 100. max_threads (int): Upper limit for the number of threads. Defaults to 256. This value is capped to the actual number of hardware threads. return_raw (bool, optional): If true, returns the raw Gibbs samples without wrapping them in a BinarySample object. Defaults to false. random_state (optional): A numerical or lexical seed, or a NumPy random generator. Defaults to None. Returns: BinarySample: Random sample. """ rng = get_random_state(random_state) bitgencaps = [r.bit_generator.capsule for r in rng.spawn(max_threads)] sample = _anneal_c(Q.m, bitgencaps, samples, iters, max_threads, iters) return sample if return_raw else BinarySample(raw=sample)